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About us...which upon great reflection is really about you and me, and well, all of our neighbors

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Dear Neighbor,


Bill-Bob Baggins here. You may be curious about the Greenwood Hobbits, and quite naturally be asking yourself  -


“Who are the Greenwood Hobbits?”


Well, the answer is…. You. And I. And anyone, in any shire, who is particularly fond of making their neighbors smile, whether they be across the fence or across the pond.


I may have had the pleasure of meeting you and sharing a cider at the Greenwood Hobbit party. If you were not in attendance, it was merely because I have not yet made your acquaintance. I do hope I get to meet you in the near future. 


“What do the Greenwood Hobbits do?”


Occasionally when feeling especially hobbity, and if all our chores are done, we do fun things together. And sometimes, duty calls, and we are compelled to respond whatever the need. 


Hobbits are helpers to all people of Middle Earth and will answer the call when needed even if it requires leaving the comfort of home and hearth.


You may enjoy taking in Lord of the Rings: Tale of the Greenwood Hobbits”. There was once a great time when we gathered an army of 110 Greenwood Hobbits to film a short movie about the adventures of my first cousin Bilbo Baggins, and my second cousin, Frodo Baggins, an impetuous young hobbit of great wit and courage. You may watch it here.


Dearest friends, please reach out if you need help. We are all friends and neighbors and can offer one another assistance. Do you need an item from the store? Has your cat run out of kibble?  I can drop what you need on your doorstep? Likewise, friends, you may want to ask a young neighbor to mow the lawn if your coffers are lower due to a decreased paycheck. We must all be flexible as we adjust to our new world.


Kindest Regards,


Bill-Bob Baggins


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As a Greenwood Hobbit, I vow to help my neighbors and if necessary, save the world.

Greenwood Hobbits - It's a neighborly thing.   
Questions?  Email:

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